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Writer's pictureDeborah Hill

What is a Spiritual Download?

Updated: Sep 11, 2021

What is a ‘Spiritual download’? A spiritual download is an energy download and refers to the process of receiving an influx of knowledge, higher light frequencies, light codes, activations, awareness and consciousness updates. It is like downloading a new update or program, except in this case, your mind is the computer. Energy downloads are packages of information that we receive by connecting with higher consciousness. Just like a computer, our physical and energy bodies can receive ‘upgrades’ from time to time. This is like installing a new program on your computer. Similarly, when we tune in to higher consciousness whether that be through meditation, connecting with our guides, and being mindful as we go about our day - we can access upgrades to our operating system. We may receive clarity in making decisions, gain a new perspective on how reality functions, open our chakras up to higher levels of activity, tune into dormant psychic abilities, gain information on spiritual topics and insight into our soul’s unique journey. Downloads are random and can occur at anytime - eg whilst you are sleeping, out walking or sitting at home meditating. They also occur when portals are open, during meteor showers and during earth-bound solar flares and storms. The frequency of energy downloads has been more noticeable this year as we transition through the ascension process.

Some signs and symptoms that you may experience during an energy download include:

- tingles / chills

- high pitched ringing in ears

- feeling vibrations in the body

- feeling giddy / spacey

- feeling energetically ‘wobbly’

- feeling confused / disoriented

- feeling a fullness / pulsating sensation in the crown

- random bursts of energy

- disturbed sleep patterns / waking up in the middle of the night

- vivid dreams

- feeling like you are dreaming when awake

- feeling bursts of energy

- receiving inspiration out of nowhere.

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