There are now 7 planets stationed retrograde, including Chiron the wounded healer (actually an asteroid). Jupiter is in retrograde shadow - it stations retrograde on the 4th September.
- Pluto in Capricorn
- Saturn in Pisces
- Neptune in Pisces
- Venus in Leo
- Chiron in Aries
- Mercury in Virgo
- Uranus in Taurus
Retrograde Shadow:
- Jupiter in Taurus
The Nodes also shifted to Aries - Libra. The North Node is stationed retrograde in Aries. This is in addition to the super Blue Moon in Pisces on the 30th/31st August.
Lots of life changing events are happening for many. We are in for some big life review lessons. This retrograde complex has brought the opportunity for deep clearing and healing by revisiting traumas with the guidance of Chiron - core woundings are being unearthed. If you are sensitive to the energies, you may need to do some extra grounding prior to starting your day. Watch your communication, relationships with others and follow your heart. Retrogrades can serve the key purpose of better allowing us to see what may not be working in our lives so that we can make changes accordingly. You are breaking down old barriers and patterns. This is a time of reflection, soul-searching and re-evaluating your life. The closer a planet is to Earth, the more likely it’ll make a direct impact on our lives when it goes retrograde. When the planets that are farther away from us in our solar system go retrograde, the effect is more collective in nature and less individual.
