Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos are of the family of Parrots. Cockatoo symbolism generally represents happiness, success, fulfilment; and is a message for you to embrace who you are. The Cockatoo is known for its sociability, gregariousness and high intelligence. If the Cockatoo appears in your path, you are probably due for some significant changes in your life. The Cockatoo’s presence my be teaching you to be more flexible and adaptable to change. Cockatoo teaches you how to vocalise your truth while showing you how to cut the emotional ties in unhealthy relationships. Don’t be silent when you need to speak up. Cockatoo also asks you to express your feelings and not bottle them up. The Cockatoo has been associated with the cycle of life, death and rebirth of plants in some cultures. They also represent the element of fire and illumination - the sentinel guard and guide through times of darkness.
