There is a Super Blue Moon in Pisces on the 30th/31st August. The Super Blue Moon is the convergence of a Full Moon, a Super Moon and a Blue Moon. A Blue Moon refers to the 2nd moon when there are two Full Moons in one month. This moon is the biggest and brightest one of 2023 and the first Blue Moon to occur in 2 years. The next Super Blue Moon will occur in January 2037.
This Full Moon is conjunct Saturn, which will also make its closest approach to Earth around this date. There are currently 7 celestial bodies in retrograde - Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, Chiron, Mercury and Uranus. As well, Jupiter is in shadow retrograde. Combination of this Full Moon conjunct retrograde Saturn in Pisces plus the planetary retrogrades carries powerful energy. This brings the culmination of old karmic energies, assisting with dissolving and letting go of old cycles and patterns. This may also cause an overall inner sense of frustration. Be calm, breathe, be gentle with yourself and always come back into your heart space.
This Super Blue Moon occurs in the water sign of Pisces, which is the sign of dreams, fantasy and the subconscious. This Moon will push us to release deeply held beliefs about ourselves. We may be faced with old fears that are preventing us from moving forward. Emotional states such as anxiety, doubts, fears and lack of self-worth may rise to the surface for healing. Be patient, kind and self-nurture yourself. Breathe deeply and stay well hydrated and well grounded. Spend time in nature. Release and let go. Protect your energy. Keep an open mind. Set boundaries. Be present. Be mindful of communication. Prepare and be ready for big change and new energy. Go with the glow. Salt baths and other water related activities will facilitate the process of emotional integration and release.