There is a super Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 4th June, with influences from Mercury conjunct Uranus; and Venus both in trine Neptune and opposition to Pluto. This is the first Full Moon since the Eclipse season that was active in April and May.
The Full moon in Sagittarius is in direct opposition to the Sun in Gemini. This full moon deals with the polarity of Sagittarius and Gemini. Sagittarius wants to share the message of the universal mind on a grandiose scale. Gemini collects knowledge and facts without ultimately having a broader vision. As with all polarities, we need to find the balance between the two.
The major planetary alignment of May 15 - 18, involving a tense T-square between Mars, Jupiter and Pluto, is waning but still in effect.
With Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus, breakthroughs may come in the form of sudden shifts in perspective, startling insights, meaningful conversations, life changing decisions and welcome surprises.
Full moons tend to be emotional, intense and revealing. This is a Supermoon and the moon’s illumination will be amplified. At perigee, the moon is in its closest approach to Earth.
Sagittarius teaches us to take leaps of faith that help us overcome our fears and assume the best will happen. Confront your fears, release anything blocking you from taking the leap, take a leap and know that you will make the best-case scenario unfold.
Full moons in Sagittarius can be an excellent time to explore new horizons, take risks, pursue personal growth, and embrace the qualities of optimism and joy. At this time, there is an opportunity for deepening the spiritual growth and transformative work that began under the last full moon and lunar eclipse.
