On the 8th August there is a powerful astrological alignment - with Earth, Sirius A, Orion’s Belt, our Sun, the Great Central Sun, and the Great Pyramids of Giza all aligning. As previously mentioned, this alignment is known as the Lion’s Gate because the Sun is in Leo and therefore energy is positive, courageous and uplifting. Sirius A, otherwise known as the Spiritual Sun, also appears to be closer to the Earth at this time. As well, Orion’s Belt directly aligns with the three pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. It is interesting to note, that other pyramids around the world also appear to align with Orion’s Belt, including the Xi’an pyramids in China and the Tiotihuacan pyramids in Mexico.
The Lion’s Gate Portal is open from the 26th July until the 12th August and peaks on August the 8th. This alignment activates the portals and energy vortexes with the Earth and the Ley Lines.
The Lion’s Gate Portal is the opening of the galactic gate and symbolises an outburst of high-frequency energy, that brings us a great opportunity for growth and manifestation. There is a surge of increased light, which is activating energy fields, higher vibrational frequencies and the next awakening to take place. The Lion’s Gate accelerates us into a pace, that things start to move faster with this intensified energy, along with DNA repairs, upgrades and downloads.
The Lion’s Gate Portal is a significant harmonic alignment that activates light codes and transmissions designed to stimulate spiritual energy within you. This year’s Lion’s Gate will be enriched in Divine feminine light codes. The light codes are already pouring in.
The 8th August (8:8) is also known for abundance, as number 8 stands for infinity in numerology. The Lion’s Gate Portal peaks on the 8th day of the 8th month. This means that you have a double impact and presence of the powerful number 8 energy. Number 8 symbolises confidence, passion, power, resilience, karmic loops and infinite transformation. Number 8 is about balance and perpetually moving energy. The shape of number 8 also reminds us of our DNA structure.
This year’s Lion’s Gate energy will be powerful for DNA activation and for assisting your own personal transformation in these pivotal times on planet Earth. This is the perfect time to get centred and do deep inner work through meditation and healing. Set an intention to let go of all that is no longer in resonance with your highest good or preventing you from becoming the best version of yourself. It is a time to activate and realign your third eye, heart chakra, higher self and Merkaba. A time to clear your energy, recharge and regain balance, confidence and energy. A time when we need to choose to be in our highest consciousness and centred in our heart.
Though an annual event, expect this year’s Lion’s Gate Portal to be potent and stronger than before. High vibrational energies from the centre of our galactic universe are currently flooding the planet. Individuals who are sensitive to energy may feel more attuned to these cosmic vibrations. These are powerful energies for healing and manifesting. The energies are shifting here on Earth and we are feeling and seeing more and more. Intense energy surges and shifts with powerful light codes and frequencies, such as the 8:8 gateway, can act as triggers that influence us at our core level, right down to our DNA. During this Lion’s Gate window, there could well be a mass awakening of souls to their path.
