New Moon in Leo on 28th / 29th July, bringing with it more change and awakenings. While the new moon brings waves of harmonious energy into our being, there is another force humming along in the background, which may bring some unsettling energies into our world. Some of this unsettling energy comes from the upcoming Mars, Uranus and North Node conjunction on 31st July. We may not be able to escape some of the upheaval that is destined to unfold from this powerful conjunction.
We are now at the start of a new galactic year and this cosmic shift has opened the Lion’s Gate Portal. The Lion’s Gate portal energy brings with it a time of great change, where we rid ourselves of bad habits and old negative ways; all assisting you in a ‘clearing out’ to make way for the new - new beginnings and a new empowering way of thinking and feeling.
Due to this new moon being square Uranus and trine Jupiter, these energies may surround this moon with a bit of chaos, impulsiveness and excitement. Jupiter stations retrograde with this new moon, joining Pluto, Neptune, Saturn and Chiron that are also currently retrograde.
Jupiter (retrograde) the planet of expansion and abundance, is very active under this moon. Jupiter’s influence could push you to take a huge leap of faith when it comes to your personal growth. The trine to Jupiter will assist in offering us a sense of perspective for where our lives may be going as we face these challenging times.
The influence of Uranus however, could cause miscommunication, impulsiveness and even anxiety when it comes to change.
Mercury is separating from a recent square to Mars, applying a tight square to Uranus and an opposition to retrograde Saturn. Harsh words when not quarrels might lead to upsetting events that could make us regret our decisions.
The upcoming Mars, Uranus and North Node conjunction is about raising our collective destiny. Humanity is evolving. The things that we once relied on may not feel so reliable anymore. Our values and the things we depend on as a society is changing. But all of this is in an effort to escalate our collective consciousness and to move us to a higher timeline of our destiny. A certain amount of chaos is inevitable on this journey, and we may see some of this triggered around this new moon and days thereafter.
This new moon leads us into perhaps the most confronting time of the year when fixed minds come into horrible conflict. We can feel the tension building. We cannot keep hiding. Something is prodding at us, no matter how deep we retreat into our own comfort zones. At some point we must find the courage to stand up for our integrity and defend our birthright and sovereign ground.
New moons are seen as new beginnings, a time in which you can reset your life. A reset of your energies is possible when you let go of old burdens and embrace the possibility waiting for you. Never be scared of change. Embrace it and realise you have the right to live a life to your full potential and that the change is all part of that. Think before you speak, make sure you are very clear with your intentions, and remain open-minded and flexible. Cleansing your energy is important. Stay open and in your heart space, and use this energy to explore your intuition, higher realms of consciousness, and the infinite wisdom that resides within you.
