There is a potent New Moon in the Air sign of Gemini occurring on the 17th/18th June. This New Moon forms a square with Neptune and a loose trine with Saturn. Saturn stations retrograde on the 18th June, joining retrograde Pluto. Neptune will also station retrograde on the 30th June. This is leading up to the Winter Solstice in the southern hemisphere (Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere) on the 21st/22nd June.
New Moons are a chance to do things over, welcome new beginnings and plant seeds for the future.
This potent New Moon is showing us a deeper, unexplored shadow side of ourselves, as we release constriction surrounding our beliefs, while processing self-doubt, karmic, past-life, ancestral patterning and mass consciousness indoctrination. Dreaming is intense for many, and emotional processing is heightening to release density within.
Neptune forms a square with this New Moon, which can mean friction and unease.
Retrograde Pluto, the planet of transformation, will also be infusing its energy into this New Moon. Releasing whatever is no longer aligned with who you are authentically becoming.
Retrograde Saturn will heighten its energy with this New Moon, making it another strong force that is influential at this time. It will be bringing up karmic lessons that we need to revise or look over.
Mars is building to a difficult, disruptive and chaotic connection to Uranus in Taurus on the 26th June - but we will feel it before then.
With this New Moon, the energies are now ripe for setting intentions and taking action on any new inspirations. Examine your life and ask yourself what do you want to change and what do you want to achieve. Pay attention to synchronicities. Pay attention to the lessons that may be arising now and throughout the next few weeks. This can be a time when you receive the inspiration for future growth.
Connect with your breath and your body to steady your energy. Accept yourself for who you are. Stay grounded. Keep your energy balanced and your mind as clear as possible. Be open to new insights. Stay present, be awake and keep life simple.
