There is a New Moon in Cancer on the 17th/18th July. For the first time since 1987, there is also a lunar nodal shift occurring on the same day with the North Node moving into Aries and the South Node moving into Libra - where they will remain until the 11th January, 2025.
The Lunar Nodes signify lessons we are meant to learn, soul growth, keys to our destiny and our collective evolution. They can also illuminate the shadow work that humanity needs to do and what needs to be released in order to evolve and move forward in greater alignment.
The Cancer New Moon and the shifting of the Lunar Nodes happening on the same day indicates a time of heightened karmic energy.
This New Moon is in direct opposition to Pluto, the planet of destruction, which is currently retrograde in Capricorn. This means that power struggles or triangular situations will be brought to light, bringing to light relationship issues.
Pluto, Saturn and Neptune are currently stationed retrograde. There will be 5 planets retrograde by the end of this week, with Venus going retrograde on the 22nd July and Chiron on the 23rd July. This is leading up to 7 planets stationed retrograde by the end of August as Mercury and Uranus station retrograde on the 23rd and 24th August.
New Moons represent new beginnings. They are about setting intentions and goals, manifesting what aligns with your highest potential and inviting abundance into your life.
You may feel extra emotional with this New Moon as it is in the Water sign Cancer. Cancer and the Moon are both known for evoking strong emotions. Your senses may be heightened. You may find yourself drawn to explore your feelings and emotions in depth. You may find yourself needing to sit with how you really feel, or to witness emotions bubbling beneath the surface so that they rise for clearing. This New Moon calls for self-reflection and caring for your inner self.
Big changes are on the horizon, and in order to move forward, one must first process the past.
Now is the time to nourish and nurture you. Be kind and gentle with yourself and be grounded. Trust yourself. Feel your feelings and deal with your emotions as they arise. This is a great time to heal old emotional patterns and create new healthy habits. Is a time to reflect and reset.
