There is a powerful New Moon in Aries and a hybrid Solar Eclipse on the 19th / 20th April. This is the first Eclipse in Aries since 2015 and the first Solar Eclipse in Aries since 2006. It is also the second New Moon in Aries, the first occurring in March last month. This Solar Eclipse also squares Pluto in Aquarius and the Sun enters Taurus after this eclipse. All planets are stationed direct with Mercury going retrograde the next day on the 21st April.
The eclipse will be visible in Exmouth, Western Australia - in the north-west part of Australia - as a total eclipse. Everywhere else in Australia will see it as a partial eclipse.
Having two powerful lunar cycles back to back in Aries indicates an intensity building around Aries themes. Aries is a fire sign and the element of fire within us gives us strength, courage, passion and determination. When it burns too strong however, the element of fire can lead to anger, attacks, destruction and being too impulsive and ego-driven. Balancing our own inner fire may be a theme around this eclipse.
The Aries Solar Eclipse is an incredibly rare hybrid Eclipse moving between annular and total and back to annular - as the Moon’s shadow moves across the Earth’s surface - with the full force of a total eclipse. An annular eclipse is one where the Sun is not completely blacked out by the Moon but shows a ring of fire around the eclipse.
Eclipses are powerful gateways of endings and beginnings and occur every 6 months. They come in twos - i.e. solar eclipse and lunar eclipse - (sometimes 3 in a row) and happen in the same two signs for about 18 months, making sure we evolve with those areas of our lives. A Solar Eclipse is a time of new beginnings and opportunities, whereas a Lunar Eclipse will be a time of release and letting go. They can also signal pivotal turning points that help to guide us in the right direction. Eclipses provide an opportunity to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace a new chapter of growth and transformation. It is a catalyst for change, growth and transformation. Due to their revealing nature, eclipses can feel unsettling to the nervous system. The partner to this Solar Eclipse will be the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 5th May.
Eclipses tend to accelerate us forward on our life path, which can leave us feeling a little overwhelmed or uncertain. They are like portals to a higher and more aligned version of our soul journey, and through their energy, we can leap forward into the next chapter of our soul path.
The Hybrid Eclipse represents a unique opportunity to tap into our innermost strengths and harness the power of the universe to achieve our goals. Hybrid Eclipses indicate a transition point from one phase to the next - a transition or shift between two worlds. We are moving to a new chapter of our lives, and the Solar Eclipse is the gateway. The supercharged energy behind this eclipse will increase our sensitivity, creativity and intuition.
Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, is also triggered under this Solar Eclipse. Pluto’s presence, coupled with the Solar Eclipse, can help to bring never-imagined opportunities and awakenings that help us to completely rebirth and transform into a higher version of ourselves.
This eclipse season is about your power, truth, worth and wealth. It is about removing the stagnation, limiting beliefs and shadows surrounding your evolution. As the Eclipse energy flows, use them to set intentions, visualise your desired outcome, look at things in a new way and stay open to the abundance of the universe. Powerful downloads and huge awakenings are coming in, and it can be jarring to our sense of Self, as well as disruptive to the life we have built and currently know. Keep an open mind and be ready to move in new directions. Allow your true authentic self to shine.
The effects of this New Moon Solar Eclipse will last into 2024 and beyond, as the global energies are transforming and evolving.
