On the 5th/6th May there is a Full Moon and Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. The Full Moon is opposite Uranus as well as in opposition to the Sun in Taurus. Mercury and Pluto are both stationed retrograde. Solar activity of our Sun has increased, with a number of minor to moderate solar flares released. The annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower is also currently in effect.
This full moon and lunar eclipse occur around the 5th day of the 5th month - which is also a portal. Number 5 is about change, creativity, imagination and play. It is also connected to the elements - fire, air, water, earth and ether. 55 is a powerful number that symbolises major life changes, new experiences and personal growth.
This Full Moon represents new beginnings. It is a powerful time to set intentions, manifest and tap into our intuition. Issues that are present but not yet addressed may be illuminated or exposed with this full moon. Full moons are also known to be times when things climax, when we decide that enough is enough for certain aspects of life.
A prenumbral lunar eclipse takes place when the Moon moves through the feint, outer part of the Earth’s shadow, the prenumbra. It is more subtle than other lunar eclipses and is often mistaken for a regular full moon. This is the deepest Prenumbral eclipse since 2017 and will be the strongest till September 2042.
Eclipses make the energy of the full moon that much stronger. This lunar eclipse will be a powerful event that follows the Solar Eclipse of two weeks ago. While a solar eclipse signifies new beginnings, a lunar eclipse reveals energies that help us with endings to complete a journey or shift our course in another way, it will be emotionally charged, affecting the emotional body grid work and to a greater degree. A lunar eclipse is an opportunity to create significant change in your life.
This lunar eclipse is associated with endings and new beginnings, letting go of old patterns and making room for something new in our lives. It is a time of change, reflection, releasing, self-reflection, new beginnings and deeper connection. This eclipse may bring intense emotions to the surface and force us to confront unresolved issues in our relationships and inner selves. Eclipses tend to move us onto the path that we’re meant to be on. Change will come. Resistance will only make it more difficult to flow with the current energies.
This eclipse is a time to set intentions and to focus our energy on creating positive change. It is a potent time for shadow work and its resulting transformation.
Uranus’ presence under this eclipse indicates that sudden or unexpected events may unfold.
Pluto brings up issues around mortality, power and trust, and prompts us to evolve at a soul level.
Be patient, flexible and adaptable in response to unexpected events and sudden changes. It’s time to release and let go of what no longer serves you, though emotional currents may come in waves and be cathartic. Find the freedom to be yourself. Surround yourself in nature.
