There is a Full Moon in Virgo on the 7th March. This is the beginning of a pivotal shift as Saturn enters Pisces on the same day. The last time Saturn was in Pisces was from May 1993 to April 1996. Chiron (the asteroid of the wounded healer) and Jupiter (planet of expansion) are quite active under this full moon.
Mars in Gemini also squares the Full Moon and Neptune in Pisces. This square urges us to let go of our delusions and fear, so that we can make better decisions based on courage.
This full moon is an opportunity to focus on balance, harmony and practicality in our lives.
Saturn in Pisces will influence us until the 14th February 2026. Saturn in Pisces together with the Moon in Virgo, emphasise the importance of service, devotion, compassionate witnessing, and service to all. Saturn in Pisces brings either order to chaos or chaos to order.
This is the last full moon before the Autumn Equinox. Multiple portals have opened bringing in a mix of energies as different beings are entering our reality.
A full moon represents a time of illumination and completion and is a great time to release and let go your fears and that what no longer serves you. As you journey through this energy, be kind, patient and gentle with yourself. Stay open and trust your intuition. Set emotional boundaries.
