There is a Full Moon in Gemini on the 7th/8th December that carries some heated, charged energy. The Moon is conjunct Mars in Gemini whilst the Sun is in Sagittarius. On top of current solar activity and energies, we are also receiving incoming light codes. Mars is currently retrograde, which amplifies its energy.
Retrograde Mars in Gemini will be ‘occulted’ by this full moon in a rare alignment where Mars disappears behind the moon and re-emerges after about one hour. As Mars is darkened by the shadow of the moon, our intuition and true emotional needs overpowers our desire and will-power. The result is like a short-circuit of your internal wiring.
The full moon is a time of illumination, culmination and completion. The full moon shines light onto situations that were once confusing or fuzzy around the edges. We see things clearer.
Retrograde Mars is quite active with this full moon, heightening the need to slow down and self-reflect. Heated emotions may arise. There is a lot of inner work that we can do with this full moon.
Many are currently experiencing some form of purging and releasing of old energies. Inner personal conflicts of light and shadow may be brought up to the surface for integration. This is a great time to align our hearts with our minds, and to let go of any inner indecisiveness.
It is important to stay well hydrated and grounded in current times. Trust your instincts and inner knowing. Speak your truth. Establish healthy boundaries. Have the courage to honour your boundaries, who you are and what you stand for. It’s time to reconcile and integrate different inner perspectives.
Trust the process and surrender to going with the flow, letting go of resistance to what you cannot change. The moment you learn to surrender and let go is the time you start to feel more in tune with who you are. Be the change you want to see and be.
Use this full moon energy as a catalyst to redirect your intentions into a new higher timeline more aligned with your soul’s journey.
