There is a Full Moon in Aries on 9th/10th October. The Full Moon is conjunct Chiron and sextile Saturn in Aquarius. Venus is conjunct the Sun in Libra. Pluto has now stationed direct. Jupiter is also in Aries.
This full moon is significant as it hold the energies of Chiron with it. It is illuminating a part of our life that may have been hidden from our awareness. It is a good opportunity to look within and see what needs healing and to hold ourselves with love and compassion. An obstacle or detour could help you to see something from another perspective that creates a shift into your heart space.
Chiron, coupled with the Aries lunar energy, encourages healing, not from trying to fix, control or force, but through surrender. When we surrender, it gives rise to acceptance, to letting go, to forgiveness, and opens us to the possibilities that those states can create.
Venus conjunct the Sun in Libra points to letting go of old wounds and healing shame or traumas that have kept us feeling small or unworthy. Healing comes through unconditional love of self.
Pluto has stationed direct. As Pluto emerges from the unconscious, an intensification of feelings of powerlessness and empowerment reverberate through the collective.
Jupiter in Aries - expanding our relationship to our own personal truth.
Use this lunar energy to feel and listen to what you need, to stay aligned, balanced, calm and supported throughout the coming days. It is a good time to look at our beliefs and the way we express ourselves. Purging and releasing. Nurture and care for yourself so that you stay grounded, aligned and balanced.
