On Tuesday 8th November, there is a Full Moon in Taurus occurring that will also move through a total Lunar Eclipse. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Moon, Sun and Earth stand in a line with the Earth in the middle, causing its shadow to be cast onto the moon. This gives the full moon a reddish, coppery hue, as well as the name ‘Blood Moon’. This total lunar eclipse is a long one lasting 85 minutes (almost an hour and a half), and the last total lunar eclipse to occur until March 2025. Some or all of this eclipse will be visible from western Asia, Australia, North America, parts of northeastern Europe and South America.
Eclipses signify significant periods of change and transformation. This Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is providing major breakthroughs for the collective. It is birthing new perspectives and opportunities to reveal the deeper wounds and layers of loss, grief and unworthiness that we have been carrying. The last time there was a Lunar Eclipse at 16 degrees Taurus occurred on the 9th November 2003.
This is the second eclipse for this season, with the first being the partial Solar Eclipse on the 25th October. Solar energies from the Solar Eclipse have been escalating. As the solar energy penetrates the plane, the human physical vesicle receives a tremendous dose of frequencies. The strongly penetrating gamma waves depletes energy and can cause other challenges such as headaches and stomach upsets - one may feel like they are experiencing jet lag. Our Sun increases its activity during the eclipse season, showering us with light codes carried by the solar winds.
Full moons are a great time for releasing blocks, discovering solutions and amplifying your energies. This full moon is a total lunar eclipse, bringing hidden insight and deep healing. A lunar eclipse is an opportunity to create significant change in your life. This change may come about abruptly, as lunar eclipses tend to bring information to you from out of the blue.
A total full moon eclipse can be quite emotionally intense. When the total Lunar Eclipse is in Taurus, it is the perfect time to bring an era into completion and start a new chapter. A time for emotions to be cleansed and intentions to be renewed and to open ourselves to greater aspirations and receiving.
This moon is conjunct Uranus in Taurus. In Taurus, Uranus is trying to wake us up and shake us up to something that is so overdue for change that it is dysfunctional.
The moon is also squaring Saturn and opposite Mercury. Some unexpected or shocking news may come to light.
There are still 5 planets stationed retrograde - Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Chiron.
This is a powerful time for transformation and growth, so embrace what is to come. Be gentle with yourself. Make time for meditation and contemplation. Allow your mind to wander and be receptive to new thought. Pay attention to your dreams - for many this is where information and inspiration come from. Now is a good time to cut the cords of anything that you want to release. Trust what falls away from your life, even if it feels challenging. Get out in nature and do all the things that help you ground yourself. Prepare yourself for the unexpected and keep yourself open to endings. Know that whatever happens is meant to be.
