On July 7, 2023 the 777 Portal is open, which leads up to the Lionsgate Portal on the 8th August.
77 or 777 (7 July 2+0+2+3 = 7) is a powerful manifestation portal. During a 7 year, we are motivated and inspired to seek truth, wisdom and Spiritual mastery. 7 symbolises the Mystic, the magick within and the wise Sage. In numerology, 2023 is the ‘7’ year of Truth.
The 777 Portal holds tremendous significance as it combines the energy of the number 7, which symbolises spirituality, enlightenment and divine connection. This alignment serves as a portal for cosmic wisdom, guiding us on a journey of self-discovery, clarity and deep spiritual awakening. It is a moment when the veil between dimensions is thinner, allowing us to access higher realms of consciousness.
The portal will be in intense activation up until the 10th July and offers tremendous support for spiritual growth and positive personal change. The opening of the portal energies is a prominent push for us to regenerate, rebirth and redirect our energies to stand in our own power 24/7. The next 777 Portal will not arrive until July 7, 2032.
Every July a natural phenomenon occurs when the Earth is the farthest it will be from the Sun for the entire year. This is known as the aphelion. This year the aphelion occurs on the 6th/7th July. This distance the Earth experiences from the Sun provides an opportunity to step back and review where we are and where we are going. Aphelion is a day to self-reflect.
Be in your heart space, follow guidance, surrender and release. Allow things to unfold. Allow for divine intervention and synchronicities that may occur. Manifest with highest intentions and focus. This energy is bringing in the collective expansion and activation of the higher heart and solar plexus centres.
