The 12:12 Portal has its climax on 12th December 2022. The 12:12 portal is an energetic doorway through which intense waves of energy of a higher vibration are being ushered into the planetary consciousness to further assist the joint awakening of the planet and its inhabitants.
In order to fully benefit from the upgraded surge of energy that is coming forth from the 12:12 portal, each individual who is desiring to increase their vibrational frequency must begin doing work of the heart. They must clear out those places where they store judgements, insults, hurts, doubts and fears; and install in their place love, compassion and kindness. 12:12 is a numerological activation code that carries the frequency of positive and major change and soul alignment.
This portal stays open for 10 days taking us up to the summer/winter solstice on the 22nd December. As a result of the intense solar / plasma waves coming through, human biofields are being activated, resulting in higher frequencies, bio-cellular change and 5D unity consciousness. The 12:12 portal is about love, abundance and shifting perspective to a higher level of awareness. This means shifting our self-awareness to a place where we can find inner peace and calm.
The 12:12 light codes are already flowing around us and will continue into next week. The light codes are packages of high frequency information that can assist us to close chapters, and initiate new roads more aligned with our inner Light. The December 12:12 codes are preparing us for our new timelines for 2023. The barriers that are preventing us from being Love are dismantling little by little.
During this portal, the ones working with polarity integration would benefit from these codes, as they are going to assist them in repairing the masculine and feminine principles in their templates. The 12:12 portal is a powerful manifestation portal. As the intensity of the 12:12 light codes increases, remember to ground yourself daily, stay hydrated and rest as much as is needed.
